Saturday, April 29, 2006

Should liberty and freedom be a guaranteed right?

The last few weeks have been a bit trying for me and that of my moral beliefs. At every turn in the media I am being bombarded with news of how much our country sucks because of foreign policy and yet, all the foreigners was automatic citizenship.

I firmly believe we all have the right to be equal and free being able to pursue a better life but now I have to ask at what cost?

Monday will mark a cornerstone point in our nation where all illegal immigrants are encouraged to ditch work and rally to grind the nation to a halt. I have to ask the simple question.. If you want to be American so badly then why try and do something to destroy its economy for a day. Wouldn't it simply be better to peacefully assemble over a weekend or a holiday and show some pride in the USA?

I've seen people rally with the Mexican flag flying over an upsidedown AMERICAN flag. I've heard our Star Spangled Banner has been rewritten and recorded in Spanish with dnewer lyrics. All of these things point to a group of people trying to divide a current nation and start a new one and that is not the american way..

My heart bleeds for all immigrants who came for a better life and worked their asses off to become American the right way. They worked, learned English and learned the HISTORY of how we became such a great nation..

Freedom is not a sense of entiltement as we see before us today but something to be earned, worked to preserve and most of all cherished. I have grown up a citizen of this country from birthright as my ancestors have since the early 1600's so I feel I've earned my right as an American to be pissed off about this.

I challenge any person to walk into a neighbors home sit down and start making demands of your host. Illegals are no different here..You have broken into our home and decided to make demands you have no right to and have not done anything to earn .. least of all our respect.

There is a reason they are called Illegal Aliens. Because they came here Illegal and broke the current laws of immigration. They took jobs and didn't pay one once of tax they everyone of our LEGAL citizens pay. They want free healthcare, education and social benefits which are all things my family and I have worked for generations to support...and they demand it .. now they say theword Illegal immigrant is racist. ... Since when ....

I have a great idea ..instant citizenship to any immigrant who joins our military and proves to us that they want to be here and are willing to sacrifice for the american dream. The way it currently stands I can assure you that if we went to conflict with any one of these peoples countries they would not stand up for the usa ..they would fight for their own soil ...

My mother in law is of British national origin and to this day remains that way. She came to our country on a work visa and ended up getting married. The one difference I see in her as an alien of our nation is that she cherishes what we have and she respects it. To this day when our national anthem plays she stands and faces the flag with pride... She doesn't demand we play god save the queen .. That is what respect and love of our country is all about....

Sorry for the rant..but I'm tired of being taken advantage of ...


Catfish said...

no need to be sorry. i think alot of people feel the same way. I have a friend of mine who is a legal american (born in this country), but is of mexican decent & quite honestly has the same view as you & i. so strongly she has actually called radio stations in her area to make her feelings known to all. its not about being racist, its about demanding things when you have no right. i want people to think about how any other country would react if americans went to their country & demanded things be done to help them & that they be given free services. America has been much too lenient to illegal imigrants in my eyes. all i ask is - if you want to come over, do it legally. that is for all imigrants, not just one particular group.

emily said...

Kev, you have the right being a natural-born American to say what you have said. This is a freedom that is closely guarded and highly cherished in our country!
I absolutely love what you have written and I wholeheartedly agree. Very eloquently put, my friend. :)

dino said...

Excellent post. I am a first gen american who agrees whole heartedly. My mother (From Portugal)taught us english first as well as loyalty to US of A not to mention a work ethic that is bar none. The fact that my father(Chinese) was a 32 year veteran of the US Armed forces helped too. I do believe that most illegals wish to gain citizenship and support this country over their own but are waiting to see what will transpire rather then just going down the current road to citizenship. In the past you could become a citizen by being in the military for 6 or more years. While in, you start the citizinship process and its over by the time you get out with the support of the US govt. Now we are arguing over how to get the almighty tax dollar from a group that draines the coffers with out showing the illegal how to refill it. I do believe that most want the american dream and to support America however our current administration is not giving the illegal the tools, proper motivation, nor education to do so.

Learning English is a small price to pay to be a citizen but it should be one of the prices. You can keep any cultural identity you want too but be an "American" first.


Mayday's lost world said...

Wow thanks for your post Dino, I think it is awesome to hear from someone in this manner who is a first generation American and proud of it.

I have a belief that we are all entitled to basic human rights and the chance to be the best we can be. I have a tremendous amount of pride in the people who come to our country to better themselves and carry the American identity with pride and perserverance... Those people are the ones that I am happy to call my fellow americans .... you reap what you sow ..