Saturday, December 10, 2005

Damn internet

OK so this am was a big morning. Maybe not for you but it was for me.. REDSOX TIX WENT ONSALE! Ol Mayday got into the webpage early with the idea that he was going to score SoxPac tix.

SoxPacs are sets of 4 tickets sold in bundles. The problem is the webpage is like standing in line @ f'in ticketmaster! How so? You have to go into this room early and your broswer gets assigned a position in line and refreshes every 30 seconds until your turn.. Close you browser and you lose your place in line.

So got in line for the Sat ticket pac and sat there for the better part of an hour. At some fukkin point my browser window got fukkin CLOSED! Yes you guessed it I lost my place in line and lost out on my F'in tickets....

Next up an hour later on tickemaster Queen/Paul Rodgers tixs went onsale @ 10am! Well I'm happy to report I was lucky enough to get good tickets for this show. This is awesome for me as I've always regarded Brian May's guitar playing very highly and even list him as an influence to some extent. Brian is one of the smartest guitarist of his time. Smart as in not being a flashy guitarist but a guitarist that could play within the bounderies of his band and know what to play Know not only what to play ..but when he shouldn't play..which is one of the hardest things for a guitarist to learn ... As guitarists we all tend to want to cram as much of our talent into a small space and not allow the songs to breath, Brian knew how to let that happen and magically.

Anyway I got my tickets so my Sat morning wasn't a total bust!


1 comment:

emily said...

Bad Times. :(
Good Times!!! \m/-_-\m/
Alright, I'm getting dizzy.