Tuesday, April 18, 2006


In all my travels across the net one of my favorite past times has certainly become reading peoples blogs. It has opened up a new medium into learning things about people who we would not normally have access too. It has allowed me to meet people with similar interests,passions and stories as mine. It has helped open up my eyes to more diverse views than my own and created some great friendships.

Blogging is in no way a good means to hide out from the rest of the world but it certainly makes it easier to vent your frustrations at the world in a non-violent way. In some instances it has become a warning sign for those who DO have violent tendencies and unfortunately for society, not always caught in time .. For instance recently a young man killed and mutilated a young girl with the intent of cannibalizing her.

Think about how many times we see neighbors, friends or co-workers on the evening news in shock stating that they would have never imagined he could do something like this. In the case of Bruce Schwartz all the signs were there.. Right in his blog!! Yet he still fell between the cracks and a young girl paid dearly for it with her life. In Boston recently a man committed suicide on a bus as the police approached to arrest him on suspicion of murder. Seems he combed the internet looking for sex offenders to kill and did so before taking his own life all by using the sex offender registry to target his victims. While I have no remorse for the sex offender I do have to admit it is a shame when something designed to keep us informed is used in such a poor manner .. Why? It affects all the people who really need to know that information ...

In the case of my blog I usually use it to be creative or vent but in a lot of cases I keep the real personal stuff to myself. Not because it is bad or could get me in trouble but like all human beings I have my fair share of scars to bear and I guess I have my own fears of how others could perceive me. In fact my own daughter reads this blog so where do you draw the line on personal thoughts and saying things that could possibly hurt others. So you walk a fine line and blog about the things that matter a little less or maybe just annoy us all while keeping the harder stuff to ourselves... In essence I am only emotionally naked to a very very short list of people...

When I visit my peers sites I most certainly see everything from creativity to venting about everyday issues. I'd love to let them all know that I admire them tremendously for allowing their personalities to shine through with little obstruction. In doing so I've learned more and more that in the end we all bleed red, we all want to be loved, give love and just be the best we can ...................



Catfish said...

well said kev. i was gonna post something similar, but you beat me & did it in a much more literate way than i would have.

at times, i tend to wear my heart on my sleeve - which has sometimes leaked onto my blog. its not something i like making a habit of - but it does show me as being just as human as the next person. part of the reason i had decided to start this blog was that maybe in some weird sort of way, maybe this could better my life. mainly just being able to vent. if someone "doesn't want to hear about it, just close the window. it has helped see things in a slightly different light & im happy i decided to try it that one last time :)

Mayday's lost world said...

Thanks Cat ..

Wearing your heart on a sleeve isn't always a bad thing. I think we tend to be less harsh as we get older and earn to deal with it better ...

emily said...

Where did my comment go? How weird! It was long, bwahahaha!
Long comment short: I liked this blog entry of yours. :o)