Saturday, December 24, 2005

Ok it's official

The world is coming to an end....

Johnny Damon is a Yankee~ that's right after talking smack and saying he could never play for them he left for money as most of these primadonnas do..

next up ..

I'm old~ yes ..I'm officially old .. I'm 40 today and dammit I need metamucil ....There's something to be said for being born a Christmas eve and trust me's not good.. yea yea I got robbed more than you know as a kid and even sometimes as an adult.

Having a birthday around Xmas was always an excuse for relatives to get cheap on you. When I was a kid my Uncle George showed up for the holiday with a Christmas and a Birthday gift for me. I got a walkie Talkie for my birthday .... Yep ..I got the other as a Xmas gift..

I guess the only thing i can't complain over is the fact that birthdays aren't PC yet. I point this out because all of the PC B.S. is killing the holidays for all of us. All of the traditions we have grown up with are slowly being stripped from our lives because of non denominational people feeling we are infringing on their rights... people..within 10 yrs Dec 25th will just be another work day ...People need to lighten up ..

I was born in this country Dec 24, 1965 and I feel like I have less rights than the people migrating here do now .... go figure!


emily said...

Move to West Texas. It is still very much Christmas here, and if you're not Christian... TOO BAD!
But your lack of rights will remain. Bah. Ya can't win. :p
Happy Birthday, Kev! I know the Keith can feel your pain on having a birthday around Christmas, his is the 30th.
The walkie talking thing is unbelievable!!! No WAY!
Despite the annoyances, I hope that you have a stellar day!
Make a giant cake with blue icing and eat the whole damn thing with a jug of milk. Ahhhhhhh.

Mayday's lost world said...

Thanks Em ..

yeah I'm not exactly a christian by any means .. I am a non practicing protostant! ..LOL

Gallon of milk huh?? Going for Texas Iced Teas and the wife is driving!!!

Tell Keith I can totally sympathize with him!! Happy er uh Merry Xmas!!