Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy 2006

Well here we go another year over another about to begin and of all things ..Tax season is here .. I think I remember reading it takes the avg american 4 months of work to pay for their taxes. So as usual we are a slave to the man again!!

Not much new in my own world other than my vacation is just about done and i have to go back to work. The funny thing is we are supposed to get a snowstorm tonight!! so maybe I'll go in late tomorrah.......

I've been pretty quiet in internet circles over the last few weeks between the holidays and the fact that I had gotten a pretty good cold... special thanks goes to my Mother in law for giving it to me!

Overall the holidays were good and uneventful as usual but the nice thing was that I got to take time off work and just try and relax. Some people shudder to think that downtime from work should mean anything but being busy but I most certainly needed this quiet time

I hope and trust all of my friends had a good holiday season and I wish all of you nothing but the ultimate in happiness and prosperity this year. While I don't subscribe to the whole New Years resolution school of thought I do plan to work on being a happier person this year.

I had already started working on myself over the last few months with some direction from an awesome friend and it has made some difference in my life. I only hope with more work I will finally be able to get out of bed and embrace everyday as it should be and not what my thought process once was ... As my wife and I contantly remind each other .. small steps to change..

Anyway good luck to all of you this year ....



Catfish said...

Yo Mayday ... Happy New Year to you as well - I have been about the same in regards to being on the internet - well, actually just on my blog. i think i have had a total of 2, maybe 3 post all month. I as well am in a great transition in my life - part of it striving to be happier & being able to create more happiness in the people around me. although having to go back to work sucks ass. in my case - im just happy to be employed - lol. take care man.

emily said...

I liked this... " While I don't subscribe to the whole New Years resolution school of thought I do plan to work on being a happier person this year."
That is just awesome.
I wish you and your darling wife all the best for this year!
I can hardly wait to meet you guys, you strike me as being down to earth like us Jones'. :D