Thursday, June 01, 2006

New days

With my daughter being home and needing transportation to her job she has been borrowing my wife’s car. Normally I start work at 7am so I’d leave my house around 6:30 am but that’s changed a bit as Diane has been driving in with me and taking my car. Her hours are earlier than mine are so I’ve offset my work schedule to 6 am to 2:15pm so they coincide with hers.

I hate getting up at 5am for work, it is definitely a drain on me but I have to say the positive side of it has been that my work days fly by and I enjoy getting out earlier, especially now that the weather is getting nicer.

Diane had an appointment this am which meant I got to take my car but instead of going in late I find it much easier to maintain the 5am routine so that I’m not messing myself up by doing the old yo yo routine.

This morning was an awesome morning to say the least. As I got to see one of the most beautiful sunrises I’ve seen in quite some time. I was actually bummed out that I didn’t have my camera with me to get a memory of it.

The sun was cresting on the horizon and there were some hazy clouds riding the line between the horizon and the sunrise cutting through ½ of the lower edge of the sun. The sun itself was a magnificent red color and it was so surreal it was almost postcard like.

It is mornings like this that have now started to become enjoyable times for me. In the past I would have gone about in my grumpy unhappy manner not paying ½ a mind to things but now the beauty of the morning is something I’m able to savor and enjoy, boy how times change.

Funny how I’d never noticed it in the manner I could today …

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Im glad that you were able to really appreaciate the power of a sunrise finnally!! :) Maybe we should get up really really really early and take ride to the beach so we could see it come up fresh from the water.. When we were in Florida one of my favorite things to do was go see the sun set over clearwater.. and it is such a powerful sight!!! I love you Dad!
