Tuesday, February 28, 2006


So I was sitting around thinking about all these blogs we read everyday and mine in particular. I realized that the majority of the time we use it as a tool to talk about current events or vent a bit. So my idea is to maybe talk a little bit about me and maybe some comical parts of my family..

To start it off I'll just give a bit of background ..

I was born December 24th 1965.. That's code for you get screwed at christmas for those of you who are born from Feb to November. I was born and raised about 30 or so miles outside of Boston in a City known as Lawrence. I'm not always proud to admit that as Lawrence has been known as the car theft capitol of the world among other things. When I lived there is was a city of approx 70,000 people .. it has grown even from that by leaps and bounds.

I grew up in a middle class neighborhood of 2 and 3 decker homes so there was always an abundance of kids to hang with and maybe even get in trouble. Growing up through the late sixties into the early seventies wasn't a bad time to grow but gawd the things we lived through. I watch things like that 70's show now and find it funny that there is so much I can relate too.

My mom was born from parents of diverse origin. My grandfathers (The Sunderlands)family was british and my grandmothers (The Carons) were canadian. I guess that mixture in itelf could certianly make for a sitcom of some sort but it's all the collections of family stories that truly make me laugh and those are some things I'll get into as we go along ... This family ( The Sunderlands) has been in this country for approx 150 years..

My Dad was born into an odd situtation from a father(The Maynards) on the run and a mother (The Carters) who grew up in a local orphanage. We never totally found out why My grand father (Maynard)was on the run but there was differing speculation that he was a bigamist among other things.. funny enough if you do a geaneology search of the maynards you find these things tend to be normal with the Surname (Go figure!!)

His father origin is that of British/Irish and his mom was somewhere between Irish and Canadian. There are other things that infiltrate the lineage but these are the main lines. My Maynards line to my best current estimate have been in the USA since a minimum of 1630.

My mom and dad split up when I was about 2 years old and my dad left for California to hide. We lived at that time on the 2nd floor of my grandparents (The Sunderlands) house. While you can never know the whole story without being there,years later it would come out exactly how they split up.

My dads parents were visiting and we spent a day at a local beach (Salisbury beach) where a fight ensued between mom and dad. Apparently in a moment of being a dick (it would come out later he had many of these momnets) He told my mother what does it really matter anyway we were never really married. This in the mid 60s was a big no no ...

The story was told that in a fit of rage my mom packed up the car, inlaws,child and left my dad at the beach... Approx 20 miles from to fend for himself. When mom got home dad walked through the door not long after my mom claiming he had walked home (My dad lied quite a bit) He packed his bags and left... I wouldn't see him or hear from him again for another 15 years..

In my dads fit of running he walked out on mom and I and never really looked back. My mom had been his 2nd marriage and he sired 4 children from his first. Roy,Laurie,Wendy and Tammy Maynard. To this day our relatonships with each other remains rocky at best as we are all very different people.

At this point I'll let this sit as I've started to lay out the list of characters in my comical journey through life. Looking back on things it amazes me how my family was ever able to procreate ...you'll soon see what I mean ....


1 comment:

emily said...

This is a great idea, Kev! Very cool of you to share about your family. :)
Yeah, Keith's birthday is 6 days later than yours so he can totally sympathize with you there!