Part of my morning ritual is always stopping off at other blogs and seeing how other people are doing.. and Em is right in my usual sites ..

Poor Em has the neighbors from hell and I can certainly sympathize with her plight. Em recently found out her neighbors were spying on her (Bad Times!) I think someone deserves an ass kicking... invasion of privacy sucks !!
Ever have that friend who always has a story you can relate too or they relate to yours. Yep Em I too have a neighbor I would love to pound at times. When they moved in they were sold the house by a dear elderly lady who we had as a neighbor for 10 years. She had 2 people interested in buying and told me she close the one she felt would be a better neighbor.
The very first year this guy lived here he didn't mow his lawn all summer. I have no problem with that (Hell I've been lazy at times) So you may ask what my beef could be? When he finally decided to mow it it was after 9 pm at night!!! Ever try watching TV at 9:30 on a late summer eve with the windows open and a mower snapping at all the branches and rocks its operator couldn't find?
While this was a major annoyance it was the next thing that caught me by surprise.. I was amazed when he actually started raking up his clipping, I wasn't prepared for them to be swept out into the road!! Sometimes ya just gotta say wtf!
The next stop is Miss Annah's blog and she has had a busy week. Her show re-aired on the Discovery Health channel, She lost out on a job and even got a bit political!! Ever have that person in life that seems so centered in what they have done with their lives? That seems to be Annah, She took the tough road lived her life true and seems to be fulfilled because of it ...

Let's take a walk around the block to ole Sullyville... WTF????? His blog isn't there!! Wonder wat be up wit dat!
Well in review I can say we had spoken on the phone a few times this week and he like I was having his own week in hell. Times are getting close on his new home and things are getting stressful.
As stressed out these issue hit you ... remember this. Where you started several years ago when you made the jump from Chicago to Texas is far behind you now and your life has fallen into place. As stressful as it might be be proud of where you came from dude and embrace where you are going because that in itself is part of the American Dream ....

Anyone wanna go fishin?
Catfish got himself out of debt and reduced his stress levels. Money is funny isn't it..something we are so bound too that it can affect our health and well being. God knows I've had my times of wondering if I could pay all the bills and I'm sure we all either deal with it at one time or are dealing with it currently. I'm glad to hear that he was able to do it successfully.
The Hippie ..
Tim started a home studio and it looks like it will be an awseome project, If I lived local I'd have to book studio time!!. I'm still waiting for Tim to get his carvin and give us a review as I was considering buying a California archtop ....
Chewbacca's Smoking Monkey ..
What can I say .. no updates!!
Me??? You wanna know bout me ...aww shucks
It's been the F'in week from hell but here in Sat the one thing I can stand on is the fact that I'm still alive. The car got fixed this weel and only cost $140 (GOODTIMES!!) but ow I'm chasing the girl who asked to avoid the Ins co. (Badtimes!!) My brother in Cali finally bought a pc and got online! Work sucked and life was dull this week.. the one thing that I always enjoy in the bad times is having my internet friends to read about and talk too ... (Em needs instant messenger!!)

We have snow on the way ..4-7" starting this afternoon.. I have a coupon for a mexican place 2 for 1 special on snowy days ..maybe we'll go tonight! ..HEH Mexican food in NH is kinda like New England Chowdah in Texas isn't it... just doesn't seem to fit ....
1 comment:
Haha! This was way cool!
I wish that all of us could get together like we are here in your blog, that would be good times!
And... I do have IM. ;)
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