Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Frivolous behaviors

As I write these I will probably do a lot of jumping around within different time periods as memory brings these events back to my mind. As I've mentioned in a previous post my mom always had a knack for reasoning out bad behaviors to substantiate what she was doing was right..

"New Furniture"

When I was about 23 my mother had decided to replace her living room set. At that time I was working 2nd shift and living in the next city with my family. The distance between us served us well most of the time and created an environment that we could actually get along in. This doesn't mean that the way she handled herself was better IMO, I just didn't have to be around it.

Mom had settled on a living room set from a local dealer known as "Furniture world" and after picking what she wanted it was determined that it would be up to 6 weeks before she would take delivery. When the set finally arrived she was anything but happy.

Mom had pointed out to me that she didn't like the way the material was sitting on the cushions and had decided that this was poor workmanship and wanted it fixed. She got on the phone with the dealer and they made an appointment to send someone out.

When the serviceman came he didn't see much wrong with the set but to appease my mom he offered to steam the fabric so it would sit a little more smoothly . It was agreed this would probably take care of the issue she was unhappy with .... WRONG!

When she would become disgruntled she was always a determined one in getting what she wanted which meant fighting with the furniture store almost daily. The store feeling there was nothing wrong with the merchandise refused to do anything further. This obviously didn't sit well and she decided to even the score.

On a determined trip to the furniture store one day mom happened to trip on a display in the store, fell down, and destroyed a set of reading glasses in the process. What most people never knew was the fact that the fall was staged and a lawsuit was in the making!!

I've never agreed with it and was ashamed of her for doing it even to this day. I couldn't believe a person who raised me explaining how much she hated liars was just as bad as the lessons she taught.

In the end the store settled out of court for thousands of dollars in court fees, lawyers fees, lost wages,medical bills, pain and suffering and most of all ..1 set of broken reading glasses. Mom got her money in such a proud manner, she had beat the furniture store after they "screwed" her over on a living room set ...

Funny how people can justify doing bad things just so they can look themselves in the mirror. I've never told anyone outside my family and closest friends of that story, but to this day I am bothered that she did it....

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