Well it's been a relatively quiet week for the most part. Obviously I picked up the mustang last friday and I'm loving being back in a car again I forgot how much I missed actually driving and not just going through the motions.
On sunday we had a bit of bad luck as the wife's 2005 PT Cruiser's transmission crapped out. After having it taken by flatbed to the dealer she ended up with my new car for the begining of the week .That sucked on 2 levels!! 1st off the fact that I had a brand new car that basically I couldn't drive and 2nd I hate feeling trapped at work. Not that I take off everyday but not having the car there really gets stuck in your mind and you feel trapped!!

We got the PT back Tueday night after getting dicked around by the dealer on monday. I was assured because there was snowfall monday that they would be able to look at it as they had a bunch of cancellations. Not only was this not the case but they didn't even bother to let us know that it wouldn't be touched which left us without the car Tues.
All in all it wasn't too bad as it turned out to be a faulty line and the car appears to be back to normal..
Next up was a guitar project that I had under taken about a year ago. I love to use line 6 gear (http://www.line6.com) and they have a guitar called a variax. The variax is what is considered to be a modelling guitar. This simply put isa guitar thaat emulates all different types of other guitars. It doesn't do this perfectly mind you, but it does it well. It does everything from Teles,Strats,Pauls,Ricks but acoustics and some steel guitars ..
My only issue with their guitars are that they feel cheap (korean made) to me in my hands and I'm not fond of their neck profiles. When Warmoth guitar parts decided to start offering variax parts and I noticed they were offering up their 1st prototype strat body for sale I decided to grab that and a neck more suitible to my tastes. The result was a strat body made of adler and a maple neck ebony board strat neck with a thin profile which is almost similar to some of my charvels. I then stripped out the variax guts and retrofit them into the new guitar for testing
This is the end result
Well I have to say I'm more than happy with the results and swore I'd get the guitar painted up. Well just recently I spoke to my buddy Sull and I was given the ultimatum. Send it soon or it wont get done because my house will be ready soon and I'm movin. I've had so much fun with this guitar that I really avoided tearing it down but now it was time. I've recently decided to take it one step further and add a passive pickup to it so I took it to work and routed it out for a bridge humbucker.

The guitar was finally sent to the ole nutnoose for finishing this week and I'm exctied to get it finished and I can't wait to see the final product. Once I get it I'll most certianly post pictures of it .......
that's a sweet lookin guitar. i am sure that it will be cool as hell once it is painted. Congrats Mayday :)
Thanks .. It's look great as long as Sull lays of the tequila long enough to git er done
Bwahahaha! Tequila... heh.
I find these guitars extremely intriguing, btw, and I enjoy how simple they look. Would love to play one just to give it a whirl!
I'm excited to see how she turns out. Good times. :)
it's about time you did something with that kevin! i remember when you posted that on the line 6 bbs a loooooooooooooong time ago.
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