Friday, October 14, 2005


I got into an odd discussion today about life with a co-worker that really struck me a bit funny. It started out for what ever reason with the differences in religion and how we act based on what we claim are our beliefs ..

Norm was brought up strict catholic and even attended catholic schools throughout his life. Well old Norm was stating how he felt the Catholic Church was hypocritical which to be 100% honest I agree with him 110%. Norm was saying how people go to pray and follow gods word yet they leave the church and begin breaking rules as soon as they leave. Getting in their cars swearing at the other drivers, using birth control or simply passing judgement on other human beings..

It’s funny how the religious card always paves a path to other subjects that intertwine with it so tightly and yet certainly change the direction of conversation abruptly. Norm is of the same school of thought as I am in the sense that if you go through life and be the best person you can, not intentionally hurt others and help out and car about your fellow brothers and sisters that all the rest paves the way.

So the simple turn in conversation was born off of one thing I said. “I think it’s awful that people take it upon themselves to judge GLT people and that wasn’t anyone but gods decision to judge” You would have thought I put a hot poker through old Norm’s skull.

Norm retorted how he had his own opinions of those people and how they say they are born that way ..etc etc etc blah blah blah blah … the fact is old Norm suddenly became no better than any other god preaching individual!

At what point do we draw a line and state that difference is wrong in people? Think about how complex the human body is from your fingers and toes all the way down to the smallest chromosome. Add the mysteries and complexities not only the earth but the entire universe and imagine the billions of pieces of matter that intertwine each individual piece to make up what our minds are able to comprehend.

Is it so wrong to think the Gays, Lesbians and Transgender people are any different than any other person who walk the street. It’s easy in this day an age to put a label on things that are different from us yet made up of the exact same genetic material and still not be able to accept that we are all just human beings.

Without diversity we become a very boring part of a very interesting a different world. Without diversity we stagnate and we do not learn that the very things that make us different forever push us forward into learning and seeing things in a new way.

I have to admit this conversation that started in a way that I could relate too had taken such an odd twist. I felt a bit hurt by the fact that someone who appeared to have some intelligence and compassion turned out to be just as hypocritical as the people he was speaking of …

At the end of the day whether you agree or disagree with how people dictate their lives remember one thing. For a very short time within this universe we are all bonded by similar genetic material… We are all human beings, brother and sisters regardless of how different anyone might be …

Live your life with pride and treat each other with respect, kindness and most off all compassion …

1 comment:

Catfish said...
