Friday, October 14, 2005

Light hearted nature

I've been getting some shit this am about not updating my "New" blog. Let me start by saying this blog wasn't intended as anything more than a joke to needle a very good friend of mine and maybe get a laugh.. Which worked btw..

See Sull and I have a habit of being pranksters and jokers with each other, which helps alleviate the bullshit side of life at times. The fact is no matter how rough life can appear I can always count on ole Sull to put a lighter step in my mood if even for a brief time.. I'd like to believe at times I've been able to do the same ..

There's been a myriad of times where life has just kicked me in the ass and I can just hear Sull making sexual comments in some foreign accent. It's those times that make memories of friendship, camaraderie and just plain good times ..
With that stated it's not all roses..

I have a serious update on the way....

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